Since launching in 2015, OthBrok Design Studio has been dedicated to daily showcase high quality inspiration in the world of design. OthBok Design Studio is a HQ design blog that covers following categories: Webdesign, Product Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Video and Art. Advertising on mandarkadam.com gives access to a worldwide large demographic, extremely creatively-savvy 18-35 year old trend-setters every month. 
Our audience is young, international and has an eye for beautiful things and designs; they are passionate and obsessed with modern high quality content and seen as influential. Read more below on how to advertise on Mk.Dot Design Studio.
We offer sponsored articles and products posted on OthBrok Design Studio initiated to promote a relevant message to our creative audience including broad social media support. Please send us a message with your idea and include a short description of your brand or company. We will be happy to send you an individual proposal.
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